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Remember the Inner Child - Being Three

Prior blogs in this series tell stories of remembering our inner child. This story is one of observing the special place of wholeness that is natural to the fortunate and healthy young child in his/her experience of Being.

A charming way to step into being in the moment is to play with a three year old – relaxing and opening to the very world we innately remember from our childhood. Whether pretending to be Thomas the Train, or animating a shovel while digging in the sand on a balmy spring day, the three year old I refer to is single minded in each of these many small vignettes as his tactile, kinesthetic and imaginary experience unfolds, moment by moment. He is the director of the scene: Self-contained, trusting and secure within, while still aware of my presence.

Many of us do not have visual memories of being three, yet our body/mind has the wisdom of recall of such presence and peace, often lying dormant until re-visited. Tactile senses, aromas, or movement may assist in the remembering. This ability is within.

Old patterns of remembering the painful can be retrained. We are capable of recalling the wholeness and trust that is within each of us and guides us gently to wellbeing.

Please drop me an email and tell me about your memories. These are a part of an ongoing project and contributions and feedback are always welcome, Kathleen


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