8 Year-old Promises

"When I'm a grown up and make enough money, I will........."
spoken in a discussion with my dear grandson while driving him to his Karate class.
Can you remember......what did you see as an eight year old that you wanted to change to improve the world in some way, to bring heart coherence to those you care about?
These placed intentions remain in our deeper levels of consciousness. They carry empathy for a given situation, perhaps with our parents or with suffering we see among others, or a lack for something that creates inner longing.
I recall a feeling that it wasn't God who was unjust or evil, it was individuals who were unable to have what they needed, or kids who become mean because their parents were mean toward them. I remember the bully who was not a happy person and set about making others unhappy. Was the bully simply looking for a way to understand the world, to find empathy? Or the disheveled girl in my class who didn't seem to have access to clean clothes and a bath.
Allowing the space, adequate time to reflect, and stillness, we can recall these deeply held intentions that give clues to our current and often subtle behavior and values.