What people are saying about Kathleen:
"I am so thankful to Kathleen for introducing me to Gene Keys. It's resonance struck a deep chord and I have been contemplating with her for almost two years now. As a facilitator, she has a calm and steady hand on the tiller but there is nothing passive about her stillness. I have witnessed her own personal unfolding throughout this process. She walks the walk and in so doing offers clear insight into this new modality of introspection and self-realization. She is a trusted guide and I am forever grateful!!" CynthiaMyers Bartlett, Southampton NY
"I can’t wait! I have received so many insights into my life and my career from Kathleen and her work with the Gene Keys. I’m excited to go deeper and to share this insight with others who can benefit too!" Deb Boulanger FACEBOOK 5/04/18
"I recently attended Kathleen’s Gene Keys course and would highly recommend it to all who are looking for the answers of who they are and why they are. Fascinating concepts!"
Linda Springer, LINKEDIN 4/19/2018
Reveal Your DNA-Encoded Gene Keys
Recalibrating Your Inner GPS,
Gene Keys workshops and private consultations.
Life Work and Purpose are not about your occupation, marital status, or wealth,
but about how you experience Being in daily living. Stepping out of past stories
and into the realization of what truly resonates with us on an internal level.
Contemplation of your Gene Key Hologenetic Design is a
transformative practice to self-empower the authentic expression of YOU.
Richard Rudd's: Gene Keys, Unlocking The Higher Purpose Hidden In Your DNA arrives at a perfect time. Link to Richard's book To link to his free profile and more information about his transformative work. Click here
Kathleen offers workshops and consultations based on her years of study and practice of metaphysical psychotherapy.
Have you been searching?
•Thinking "There must be more!"
•Wondering how my life can be even better?
•Have so many possible directions ahead that you don’t know which to choose?
•Are you experiencing moments of self-doubt and thinking?
YOU arrive with your life work and purpose encoded - in your DNA!
➢Your body contains all the information it needs to live in a
place of wholeness and presence.
➢Moments of self-doubt or thinking that “there must be more” become
counter-balanced as our inner GPS is accessed.
➢You are the unique combination of your DNA, your astrological influences
at birth, and the environment in which you grew up and now live.
➢Your body is an energetic field capable of integrating the many layers of
your area to bring awareness and mindful action into your life.
An experiential workshop on life-changing techniques and tools
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Recalibrating Your Inner GPS,
Discover your Life Work and Purpose encoded in your Gene Keys
© 2018 Kathleen Hendrickson