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Healing Metaphysical Essays


These essays share experiences, therapeutic tools, and wisdom for bringing aspects of our Shadow into awareness for recognition and release. They demonstrate our epigenetic potential for healing through re-imagining and re-wiring trauma memories carried in our billions of neuronal cells. As an intuitive, I can communicate with those who have passed on and am blessed with their imparted wisdom and assistance in healing wounds carried within our DNA.



Healing Times Past shares birth trauma in the heat of World War II that reshaped many of our lives. The essay transcends the "injured me" to bring understanding and compassion to my young parents under the stress of the times. The essay received an Honorable Mention from the 2016 Writer Digest Competition. Read More


Epigenetic Insurance – Rewiring Trauma Experiences describes accessing body wisdom brought into awareness by a dream. The exhaustion of my son triggers a recall of the traumatic event following his arrival for a visit. My physical, body memory is opened for re-imagining and re-programming inner tension, any shadow of guilt, and dispelling of myths. This simple process opened a gateway into deeper trauma-held physical, emotional, and spiritual tension to be shared in future posted essays. Read More


Opening the Vault Door - Research has revealed the presence of male DNA in the brains of deceased mothers and inspired a mediation and reflection on the passing of a stillborn son. In the wisdom that we are one consciousness comes a deeper understanding of the value of forgiveness of self and others for past difficult or traumatic experiences. Read More




© 2017 Kathleen Hendrickson

Intuitive Kathleen Joy

Healing Metaphysical

Psychotherapy Services


~ Give voice to your authentic self ~

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